Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sis is right,

The winds of change are blowing.

I am:
a) No longer going to East Timor
b) Lovestruck
c) Flying to see Sis, Barcelona and Loch Ness in the next three weeks
d) Playing in a soccer team this year
e) Moving house to an as yet undetermined destination
f) Having lunch with Middle Sis this Friday


The Thommo itinerant lifestyle continues!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Fun Nevers Stops in Spain

En la consulta del doctor:
– Doctor, me duele esta pierna.
– Eso es cosa de la edad.
– Pues esta otra pierna tiene la misma edad y no me duele...

A patient says to his doctor:
- Doctor, this leg hurts.
- That's because of your age.
- But the other leg is the same age and it doesn't hurt...


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Honesty Best Policy

Monday, February 06, 2006

Feegee Fotos

Lovely sailing weather. We took this sailboat out to Tivua Island for a day cruise/snorkel etc. One girl chundered all over the deck!

Thar she blows! The island is on the horizon somewhere.

Emja the human condom.

The awesome guys at our hotel who played every night and shared their kava with us each night. We were their main groupies. They are massive guys, but giggle like tipsy schoolgirls.

Emja washing off the mud accumulated from several spectacular stacks during the hike. Getting ready to kayak down the Navua River. Crazy French guy and quiet Brazilian girl in bg.

Emja trekking through the Namosi Highlands.

Small waterfall on the way to a big waterfall in the Namosi Highlands.

Rainy final day. Twas a nice flight though. Sleeping giant mountain in bg.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

If you can read this you are sitting too close to the computer.

Weekend Wrap2

Yo yo yo, majorly to tha Sis, but to all those others on various island hopping, non-working/holidaying, red-coat wearing, chest waxing expeditions, howdy. Your blogs are melding into one stream of consciousness. How were your weekends? Is a weekend plural if more than one person experiences it?...

This weekend was very chore-ish for me. Apart from the spectacular win of the mighty Sydney FC (I never doubted them) it involved lots of cleaning on Satdy, and lots of driving on Sunday.

The driving involved three round trips from Collaroy to Clovelly. Now, non-Sydneysiders, don't let the similar names fool you. These burbs are MILES apart. Like, MILES. Look it up man. Ran through a whole tank of petty!

First run was to collect KT's boxes from storage for consolidation purposes when I leave town.

Second run was to see our favourite Canadian from the Costa Rica project I went on. Megs is out for a year doing her Masters in Social Change at the 'Gong. She's just landed and needed some friendly faces. She loved Coogee:

Third trip was to take Megs home after we kidnapped her to Collaroy for a few brief hours. A phew brief hours. Suffice to say, my right leg was still pressing the accelerator all through the night. It's like when you go to sleep on land after being on a boat for ages. You still rock. (Although I still rock no matter what, obviously).

Am v impressed by the frequency of KT's calls this last week, but don't know if youse all have been receiving similar treatment from the gal so don't want to make jealous like.

Anyways, Barcelona is booked for two weeks' time. I will have to work on my Catalan. Any tips from anyone who's been there B4?

Also managed to squeeze in two movies - Keeping Mum, which involved Maggie Smith looking scarily like what I think my Aunty Merrin will look like in 40 years, and The Wedding Crashers, from which I took the following piece of fashion advice:

Thursday, February 02, 2006


No longer the boring semi-corporate government life for me!!

As of 17 February I am a free man.

Hmmm, which street will I take?

I'm off to see if Sydney FC can't do what they don't never know how to do and actually win the last game of the season.

Fiji update soon.