Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tribute to Big Sis

Having been a phantom reader of Big Sis' blog (and those of her friends), I've decided to step into the big scary world of writing my own. Sis, I know I derided blogging when you first started as a bit narcisstistic, but you've made me realise that it is actually a historical document. It'll be lik ereading a diary in a few years' time. Plus, Lil' Sib (aka Cazza) and you have shown how invaluable it is when travelling.

And it is like a little blogging community. So far the blog community I read up on has the following residents:
KT aka Big Sis (obviously);
Cazrock the crazy Chilean backpacker (aka lil' Sib) whose entries are becoming more and more Spanglish by the day;
Dr Cok (the chunkburger) who kidnapped my sister to some Victorian farm a while back;
Tangles - who counts because I have actually run into her in the flesh and she remembered me from meeting me only once before; and
Ian the Moron who I have never met but has possibly the best (in the non-family category), most updated blog (us phantom readers who work in offices appreciate this).

If I can even come close to emulating you guys I will be a happy man.

So, here goes...


Blogger K said...

Good work lil dude - you're doing me proud!

Can I links you up to mine?

Dammit - i don't need no permission!

1:30 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

Hey Sis!

Thanks for the comment. I have a feeling you're gonna be the only person who writes any/reads this blog.

Great to talk to you this morning.

Love Brodie.

2:09 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

oooh, I found this via KT's blog, so you can increment your reader-count by at least one!

Thanks for the kind words, Lil Bro, glad someone is reading it all!

But you have met me once, at KT's farewell. We had a brief conversation near the toilet (in terms of location, not in terms of conversation topic).

1:02 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

2nd attempt:

Cheers for the kind words, lil Bro, glad someone is reading it!

But we have met, briefly, at KT's farewell. We had a short conversation near the toilet (in terms of room location, not conversation topic).

3:00 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

Oh yeah, I remeber now. That's good, I am feeling more 'in' with the blog family by the day.

I think the thing that sets your blog apart Mr Moron is the abundance of pics. They are v important.

7:38 PM  

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