Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The verdict is in...

KT's running style is like nothing the world has ever seen before. Personally, I think it is like a duck on laxatives running urgently to the loo, but there you go. I suspect some people who will remain anonymous like KT have voted more than once. Hmmmm...

Anyways, Sis, I am more than willing to be proven wrong. I can't wait to see the new style, I bet you are a great runner!

Let's see, not much other news. Work has been pretty hectic, so not much time for anything else. The Mighty Lindfield FC All-Age 6B 1sts (NOT the 6B Reserves, thank you very much) have our first game on Saturday. I'm still not sure where we're at skillwise given that our only game so far was a friendly against the Wakehurst Over-the-hill, Over-running-for-more-than-ten-metres, Over 35s.

Ve shall see about zat.

We have a good combination of guys, from beer-gutted talkers to young whippersnappers. Hopefully we will go all right. If not, we have to at least beat the 6As.

Later Gators.


Blogger I-Rock said...

ooh, i like the look of the poll so far... keep it comin peeps!

2:59 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

3 votes don't count for much...

1:25 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

if they were all from hot chicks, it's enough!

Okay, I know one was from me, but 2/3 ain't bad...

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i voted for syphillis, but I'm like that sometimes.

thanks bro - how about you call me? i am going to be having a quiet weekend dammit.

so does this mean you got that awful smart mouth guy you were hoping to avoid? How about you 'accidentally' give him a quick soccer ball to the groin?

12:57 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

The quick ball to the groin will not be needed. I think that guy got 'accidentally' crunched by someone during the trial games and got the message.

4:17 PM  

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