Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wednesday Weekend Wrap.

KT about to let go of a big 'un in Barcelona

When it gets to the middle of the working week and you need some diversion, it's time for the Wednesday weekend wrap. This includes a report on the previous weekend's activities, and the schedule for the upcoming one as well.

Last Friday I went to the Excelsior at Glebe to see Em's mates' mates play some very nice folk music. Highlights included the barn dancing happening in a squeezy section in front of the stage, being hugged by a doped up guy on crutches, and seeing Emja's friend Laura's robotic dance impression.

Saturday was spent at the Chatswood Rissole watching the BEST EVER FA CUP FINAL on the big screen, with cheap drinks. Twas a team bonding session that saw me home at 4am on the day of our game. I blame Steven Gerrard and his wonderful right foot. His goal of the century (so far) meant extra time. Which meant penalty shoot outs, which meant I left the rissole right at taxi shift changeover time, which meant I wandered home at 4.

But twas worth it. And we won 4-1 the next day anyway.

This weekend kicks off with some salsa lessons at a YCA party at Green Square. Then a game against the initimidating-sounding Kissing Point (who lost their last game 7-0).

The results of my latest poll are in, and at least 8 people read my blog. Yay! Hope all 8 of you have great weekends.
Finally, here's a half-decent Spanish joke (and boy do I mean 'Finally!'):
El médico le dice a su paciente en tono muy enérgico:
– En los próximos meses nada de fumar, nada de beber, nada de salir con mujeres ni ir a comer a esos restaurantes caros, y nada de viajes ni vacaciones.
– ¿Hasta que me recupere doctor?
– ¡No, hasta que me pague todo lo que me debe!
A doctor says to his patient, in a very forceful tone:
-In the next few months, do not smoke, do not drink, do not go out with the ladies, don't eat at luxurious restaurants, and don't go on any holidays or vacations.
-Until I get better, doctor?
-No, until you've paid me everything you owe me!
Titter, titter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

er, i voted twice

1:03 AM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

That's okay. I suspect others may have as well. Oh well, it's not the size of your readership that counts...

It's their ability to make me feel better about myself.

4:02 PM  

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