I'm now 24 24-7
On Saturday, the whole Rocho crew rugged up to watch me play in my soccer grand final. Unfortunately, we got smashed 2-0 by the Brokeback Mount Colah strangely-aggressive-for-a-sixth-division-team ferals.
Even stranger, we got two medals each - one for coming second in the table, and one for losing the grand final. Consolation prizes take on a whole new level in the easily-bruised-pride world of all-age soccer.
In other soccer related news, I watched FC bring in the new season with a nice win against Central. Dwight was out and about, controlling things from the midfield. The Central supporters sent two of their gang in banana suits for a tour of the stadium. They got back to the away team area drenched in beer and ice-cream. Which is how most people like their bananas.
Also, my flatmate recently bought home this:
It's a jigsaw puzzle in the shape of a full size soccer ball, with all the flags of the teams from the World Cup on it. Way rad!
Shout out to Lil' Sis and bday lunch last Friday - the cookbook is AWESOME!
I dont think that 2-0 is smashed, Brodie. I think that's a very respectable score!
Please thanks Em for taking such good care of my lovely bro on his big day.
I'm glad you had a good one, and superfluous medals are the best kind!
And that is that.
Wooo - down with post verification! Wooo hoooo!
Nice cake!!
Wow - removing the post verification has doubled my usual comment volume!! (i.e. from 1 to 2)
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