Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wynyard wenches

It was a dark and stormy lunchtime and walking through Wynyard, I came to one conclusion.

The gossip mags must come out on Thursdays.

There were quite a few (at a guess I would say 538) young office-type ladies standing at all the newsagents just reading their NWs/Whos/Women's Dyas/Crappy Crap Crap magazines. Not buying them, mind you...just reading.

It was almost like that scene in 'What Women Want' (c'mon peoples) where Mel Gibson can hear women's inner thoughts. All I could hear was, 'God she's a slut...ooooh, those blahniks look good though, I wonder if they'd make my bum look big...Hoooray, Nicole Ritchie has eaten something...aaaahhhh, that Clive Owen really pushes my buttons...' Et cetera, et cetera!!

And the 'anyone spare a dollar a dollar' guy was nowhere to be seen. How glum.

Anyways, I feel like sushi tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're pretty well versed in the way of the gossip mag... are you a closet trash-mag reader? There's no way could you have picked up all of that info from the one lunchtime excursion!... hmmm, you read them in the checkout queue at the supermarket, don't you? c'mon, admit it!

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they come out on, ahem, Mondays and Wednesdays... hmmm... I have HEARD.

4:54 AM  

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