Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ho Hum

As opposed to the imperative 'Hum, ho!'

We lost on the weekend. To a team coming second last. Who wear candy striped jerseys. Who are called Kissing Point Pansies (Well, maybe that's not their actual mascot). Can't beleeeeeve we lost. Argh!

To top it off, the game was played in the rain. Then I had to pedal my bicycle home through the rain. Then I got a cold.

Has not been a good last couple of days.

But I got to speak to KT. And I got some time off work, which is always nice.

In other news, Cazrock has finally given us some much needed (although lacking in photoness) updates on where's she's at on her viaje loco through South America. I want to see Easter Island giant heads dammit!

Also, in some weird Thommo connection, KT has been struck down by a similar illness to mine half a world away. Maybe Mr Moron can explain the physics of that. While he's at it, maybe he can explain the strangely disproportionate amount of good-lookin peeps in his social Scandinavian group. Which makes this joke from a worryingly angry website rather inaccurate:

Q: What are beautiful women in Sweden called?
A: Tourists.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I think we know who did better...

My best mate from high school and I used to play in the same team - he was centre mid, I was right mid. We used to do one-twos and run rings around the opposition and win the local competition five years in a row.

We lost touch a bit when I moved to the Arms.

Now, of course, I am playing for the mighty Lindfield 6B Flying Balls. And him? Well, he's just playing Brazilians in an Australian uniform on behalf of Nokia.

He's the one on the right. Play the game here.

I think we all know who did better in the soccer career stakes. We're 4 from 5 for the season!

PS: This is my 50th post on this blog. Yay!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Wednesday Weekend Wrap.

KT about to let go of a big 'un in Barcelona

When it gets to the middle of the working week and you need some diversion, it's time for the Wednesday weekend wrap. This includes a report on the previous weekend's activities, and the schedule for the upcoming one as well.

Last Friday I went to the Excelsior at Glebe to see Em's mates' mates play some very nice folk music. Highlights included the barn dancing happening in a squeezy section in front of the stage, being hugged by a doped up guy on crutches, and seeing Emja's friend Laura's robotic dance impression.

Saturday was spent at the Chatswood Rissole watching the BEST EVER FA CUP FINAL on the big screen, with cheap drinks. Twas a team bonding session that saw me home at 4am on the day of our game. I blame Steven Gerrard and his wonderful right foot. His goal of the century (so far) meant extra time. Which meant penalty shoot outs, which meant I left the rissole right at taxi shift changeover time, which meant I wandered home at 4.

But twas worth it. And we won 4-1 the next day anyway.

This weekend kicks off with some salsa lessons at a YCA party at Green Square. Then a game against the initimidating-sounding Kissing Point (who lost their last game 7-0).

The results of my latest poll are in, and at least 8 people read my blog. Yay! Hope all 8 of you have great weekends.
Finally, here's a half-decent Spanish joke (and boy do I mean 'Finally!'):
El médico le dice a su paciente en tono muy enérgico:
– En los próximos meses nada de fumar, nada de beber, nada de salir con mujeres ni ir a comer a esos restaurantes caros, y nada de viajes ni vacaciones.
– ¿Hasta que me recupere doctor?
– ¡No, hasta que me pague todo lo que me debe!
A doctor says to his patient, in a very forceful tone:
-In the next few months, do not smoke, do not drink, do not go out with the ladies, don't eat at luxurious restaurants, and don't go on any holidays or vacations.
-Until I get better, doctor?
-No, until you've paid me everything you owe me!
Titter, titter.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Stepped on a frog...

Never eat beans before surgery.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Not this, but something similar

In the absence of an actual photo of my knee, here is a similar looking one from the interweb.

We played the only other undefeated team in our comp on Saturday and went down 1-0. They were a bunch of bogans from the backwoods of Mt Colah, in the way way north of Sydney. They were very rough and had people getting cards all over the shop. As our captain said in his match report, after on eheavy tackle:

'The ref, only 5 yards away, had no hesitation in sending him to the showers early. But as it was Sat (and they only shower on Tuesdays in Mt Colah), he just sat on the sidelines and sulked instead. '

As he also said in his report, I got 'hacked down viciously' by two of their idiots, and am slowly recovering from some nice infrapatellar bursitis (look it up people). Basically, my left kneecap had a friend for a few days.

Oh well, at least I will get bragging rights when our team meets up for the FA Cup final tomorrow. And we'll get them back next time.

PS: Due to the recent lack of comments, I am growing paranoid. If you read this blog, let me know by completing the poll. Please? Hello? -lo? -lo? -lo? Anyone out there? -ere? -ere? -ere?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Okay, okay, maybe just one picture of my shaved head...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Not as short as you'd expect

No, I'm not talking about KT.

Shaved my head for a cure on Friday. I settled for a 4, in light of the impending winter temps and my move away from Collaroy to the colder climes of Naremburn. The move to the N-Burn was hassle free, as for the first time in my gypsy travellings, I actually used removalists. Result: All moved and set up by midday and no tired/injured girlfriend's dads to feel guilty about.

Anyways, the following LEGENDARY LEGENDS donated to my shave. They have all received personal emails with a pic of my ugly mug. Lucky them! The rest of you will have to content yourselves with your imagination - tightasses!!

  • G-bird
  • Venessa G
  • Judith C
  • Rusty and his Mum
  • I-rock
  • Middle Sis and her man
  • Pappa Bob
  • Rockin KT Sis
  • Flatmate Walshie
  • Mr Petersen
  • Jober James from WA
  • Megsy
  • Beautiful Emja
  • Emja's Mum
  • Corinne from UNE
  • Judith B

Big ups to yall!

In other news, I went to both an 18th and a 30th on Saturday. Was strange being at parties where:

i) Young people were trying to be old;

ii) Old people were trying to be young (apologies to all those 30+); and

iii) Us 23 y.o.'s were stuck in the middle.

Found it hard not to disapprove of all involved!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Public Servant Humour

There is a guy who works for the NSW Mine Subsidence Board called Mr Hole.

He he he...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Moving on up, you're moving on out...

...time to break free, nooooothing can stop me...

It has been loverly staying with Emja and her family for the past two months. They have been so kind and generous and welcoming. I think I eat half of their food, but they never complain.

But it is time to give them back their house. I think it was when Em's Dad started making sure I had a nice warm jumper on each morning that I realised that I'd been there too long!

This Friday, two guys, their van and I are moving the Thomas gypsy road show to a semi-permanent camp at Naremburn, near St Leonards. Let's hope the Council let me put up the 'bearded lady' sign and the ferris wheel for the local kids.

Not that my new flattie is the bearded lady! Her name is Emma (yep, it's gonna get kerazy konfusing!) and she works in Chatswood. She went to Costa Rica as a Group Leader at the start of this year. She is formerly of Sutherland and likes dancing badly to tragic 80s hits. That's about all I know so far...

Anyways, shout outs to the Rockin' Rochford clan for their Xtreme hospitality, I am forever in your debt.

Shout outs too to all those who've sponsored my head shave. I am nigh on $500!

Stay tuned!