Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ho Hum

As opposed to the imperative 'Hum, ho!'

We lost on the weekend. To a team coming second last. Who wear candy striped jerseys. Who are called Kissing Point Pansies (Well, maybe that's not their actual mascot). Can't beleeeeeve we lost. Argh!

To top it off, the game was played in the rain. Then I had to pedal my bicycle home through the rain. Then I got a cold.

Has not been a good last couple of days.

But I got to speak to KT. And I got some time off work, which is always nice.

In other news, Cazrock has finally given us some much needed (although lacking in photoness) updates on where's she's at on her viaje loco through South America. I want to see Easter Island giant heads dammit!

Also, in some weird Thommo connection, KT has been struck down by a similar illness to mine half a world away. Maybe Mr Moron can explain the physics of that. While he's at it, maybe he can explain the strangely disproportionate amount of good-lookin peeps in his social Scandinavian group. Which makes this joke from a worryingly angry website rather inaccurate:

Q: What are beautiful women in Sweden called?
A: Tourists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your loss to the smoochers... blame it on the weather I say...

Daddio is also down with a cold... so maybe it is a wierd connection thingy after all!

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's food for the soul, Jewish penicillin for the cold...

Matzah Balls are optional, although Matzah Balls are a quintessential comfort food.

Spoil yourself.

2:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you are sick, i am in peru and am not yet sick, which means i have only 3 weeks left to get food poisioning to keep up me throwing up in every country record, if worse comes to worse this can be helped by tequila (as was the easter island experience urghhhhh)

will put fotos on my blog for you then, but expect good comments about my photograpghy, but wait a few days before checking

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's no good my lovely brodie.

hope you feel better.

hope we can have a same country experience soon - i am trying.

love you loads, and the best thing to do on pansies is to stamp all over them

but it's a good idea to pay for them first. florists have wicked tempers.


6:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no update, please amend.

12:27 AM  

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