Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Family Ties

Went and saw this with my lay-dee last night. After the first ten minutes I was ready to leave, but...give it some time. Once you get past Keira Knightley's posing the script actually bothers to have some twists. If I were a pretentious critic, I would describe it as an American 'Lock, Stock etc.' but more crap.

Anyone else seen it?

On Saturday I am having a Christmas BBQ with my Dad. Now, for many of you that would be a pretty average event. But see, last time I saw my dad on a regular basis was, like, 1996. And the most recent time I saw him was at Mum's funeral last year where we exchanged about five words.

It is all part of my 'hatchet burying / reclaim the extended family clan plan' for 2005/06. It follows in the footsteps of the Great Mick PicNic of November 2005, where I caught up with my brother Michael who lives in Pommyland and I haven't seen for 10 years. He's in the middle below:

Personally, I don't see the resemblance ;-)

Big up 'spect to older sis Leanne for being the major mover/shaker in the family reconciliation. You are a gem! And to Emja for being so supportive. Also, to KT for the encouraging emails.

Love youse all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mick and I are have tea and cake this Satdee. T'will be most familial.


4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bad hair isn't a fmaily problem but rather one that mick has been carrying around since the days of MC hammer and the flat top, not to be confused with the era of flat top and mullet which also supported the fashion of high top adias sneakers and fluresant clothing...

good luck with the bbq, give him sometime, but i am glad that this family is on the roads to mendingtown (i need to at least have some family at my wedding if the amigo stakes stay at an all time low)

kisses to em

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forwards is always a good way to face xx

10:38 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Haven't seen the flick - but Keira Knightly absolutely does my head in. I haven't felt this vicious since my early days of Gwyneth Paltrow hating. So probably not the film for me. I do, however, wanna see Harry Potter still and it being a Sunday I might just do that.

Good luck with the fam. I know pretty much bugger all about the situation, but I reckon Christmas is a good time for these things.

4:04 PM  

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