Vamos a Timor Leste!
Well, it sounds like most of my Christmas wishes came true for you guys. Mr Moron got his fire retardant gel, Dr Cok got his drunk self into those leathers, and I have no doubt Tangles hit up the absinthe for all she was worth. I hear Cazrock defeated the demons of PS2 and is now moving on to las caras de los monos.
But, most importantly, it DID snow for KT!! As predicted in previous blog post (see below). I hereby take all credit for the predicted precipitation.
But it does raise one important issue. Snow is big and white. KT is small and white. I am worried that any expedition outside in such conditions could see her disappear. So, Sis, don't venture beyond the portico. Make those 'eh, eh' noises and get other people to fetch the paper. I'm glad you liked your pressies! I loved mine.
The other big news is that I've been accepted to work for the government's international aid agency in the Timor of the East for six months next year as a town planner. This would be v exciting in itself. But the best bit is that all flights and resettlement costs will be paid for. And, I will receive a local living wage. I have extracted a promise from Emja that she will come and see Timor Leste for herself AT LEAST twice, and I will come back and see me lay-dee at least twice too. I went to ET in 2003 but it was only for a week. So this will be arsesome (KT, pers. comm., 20/12/2005). Will have to learn tetum though.
This guy will be my new boss.
He looks like a dude.